Crafting meals that support your partner's well-being and alleviate discomfort involves steering clear of certain ingredients. Avoid foods or components containing identified allergens or intolerances specific to your partner. Common culprits for women with endometriosis include gluten, dairy, high histamine, and high FODMAP foods.* 1 Exclude ingredients that exacerbate "endo belly," such as highly fermentable carbohydrates (high FODMAP foods) have been shown to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms.
It's crucial to eliminate or minimize ultra-processed ingredients, known for additives, preservatives, and trans fats that can heighten inflammation 2 and worsen endometriosis symptoms. Opt for fresh, whole foods, utilizing herbs and spices for flavour, while steering clear of all processed meats 2.
Cut down on high-fat processed ingredients and saturated fats 3 like margarines, refined seed oils, high-fat dairy, and meat products.3 Lastly, dodge highly refined white foods such as white flour, rice, and pasta 2, as they not only disrupt blood sugar but also induce inflammation. Opt for whole-grain alternatives to enhance fiber 2 intake, supply additional nutrients, and better regulate blood sugar levels.
* fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols
- Schink M, Konturek P C, Herbert S L et al. Different nutrient intake and prevalence of gastrointestinal comorbidities in women with endometriosis. J Physiol Pharmacol 2019 Apr;70(2). DOI: 10.26402/jpp.2019.2.09.
- Barnard N D, Holtz D N, Schmidt N, et al. Nutrition in the prevention and treatment of endometriosis: A review. Front Nutr. 2023; 10: 108989. DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1089891
- Marcinkowska A & Górnicka M. The Role of Dietary Fats in the Development and Treatment of Endometriosis, Life (Basel). 2023 Mar; 13(3): 654. DOI: 10.3390/life13030654