ENDoubt is a safe harbor for individuals affected by endometriosis and curious about the condition. Here you can find like-minded souls, speak with experts, and learn about endometriosis.
ENDoubt is a safe harbor for individuals affected by endometriosis and curious about the condition. Here you can find like-minded souls, speak with experts, and learn about endometriosis.
ENDoubt is a safe harbor for individuals affected by endometriosis and curious about the condition. Here you can find like-minded souls, speak with experts, and learn about endometriosis.
(Last updated: 30 September 2023)
ENDoubt is a safe harbor for individuals affected by endometriosis and curious about the condition. Here you can find like-minded souls, speak with experts, and learn about endometriosis.
We're in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
This platform is not intended for official consultation purposes, we do not offer medical advice in relation to your diagnosis. Responses to posts should not be stated in the medical record as a consultation. If you need immediate/official consultation, please contact your healthcare provider.
We are here to answer all endometriosis-related questions you might have. Please allow us some time to respond, and if you need immediate help, please contact your healthcare provider.
All posts should be directly associated with the condition. Self-promotion, promotion or bashing of any products or treatments and irrelevant links aren't allowed. Posts that don't encourage discussion or contribute to learning will be deleted. Do not ask for email addresses of phone numbers.
Never share anything in a post without explicit permission from the original poster.
Providing or asking for information on how to illegally obtain copyrighted materials is forbidden.
When posting about a case, expand on your own thoughts as much as possible to start the discussion. This includes describing what cells you see and your tentative dx. Be brave! We?re all friends here.
The platform is not meant for product promotion and no product mentions are allowed.
If you?re not getting feedback on your post, feel free to ?bump? the post (by writing a comment which will move the post to the top of the group), but please do not double post raising the same points.
We filter all the messages submitted to the platform. Some messages might be reposted, removed, or censored if they don?t meet the forum rules or correspond to the relevant topic.